sunnuntaina, elokuuta 26

addendum to perheeni

they told me the first day that they plan on taking me to Lappeenranta and Savonlinna (the two cities nearby) as well as a cabin in Lapland this winter, Stockholm, St. Petersburg, somewhere in Estonia, and anywhere in Finland that I want to see.

äiti, as it turns out, is my contact teacher at school (the one I talk to about what classes I want to take, if I have any problems, etc.).

also, apparently there is a welcome party for me today!

3 kommenttia:

  1. It was great to meet you yesterday! And by the way, if you're going to St. Petersburg, I'd like to join you :) never been there before...

  2. OH. MY. GOD.
    enjoy these adventures and post about them extensively, or you shall be spammed! muahahahaha >:D
    no, but seriously, enjoy yourself and post about these trips ^^
