here's a post to say that I have survived my first week of Finnish school!
highschool here (lukio) is three years long, and I am technically in the second year. before lukio there is elementary school, which consists of nine grades. in Savitaipale, all the shools are in the same building, with lukio classes mainly on the third floor. also, the year is separated into jaksos--six-week terms, at the beginning of which everyone chooses new classes and at the end of which everyone has exams. because I came after a week had already gone by, there are now four weeks until the second jakso starts.
äiti, who teaches at the school, is my contact teacher, so when we were figuring out my schedule it turned out to be pretty flexible. this jakso I am just focusing on getting used to how things work and getting a better understanding of Finnish, so I'm jumping around between grades, taking whatever I think will help me. this jakso, I'm taking Swedish with the 7th graders, Finnish (which they call äidenkieli, or mothertongue) with both 8th and 9th graders, and art and some religion with the second year lukio kids, or my "real" grade. also, one of the English teachers has invited me to come into his classes whenever I can, so I go to those for 7th grade, and first and third year lukio.
it's actually interesting for me to go to the English classes--and it helps me learn Finnish as well. they learn a mixture of American and British English. some of the idioms the first year lukio class was learning were either antiquated or very British because I had never heard of them. and the third year lukio kids, who are graduating this year and preparing for big exams, had a listening comprehension test which I took and got 21/25. rather embarrassing, considering I speak the language.
the religion class I only go to twice a week because those are the only times I could fit it in. it's interesting to me, but a little hard to follow, though it's nice to be with my grade, which my host sister Tuuli and most of her frieds are in. and I've only been to one so far, since the other time is on Mondays and last Monday I was still figuring out my schedule.
the art class, too, is with my grade. Tuuli's not in it because it's at the same time as music, which she is taking (it was hard for me to chose between the two). but several of her friends are in that, and I have only just started getting to know them, but they are all very nice and welcoming and helpful to me.
the Finnish classes are very helpful for my learning the language, even though they are of course way above my level. it's so much fun to hear the teachers talking in Finnish about different literary genres, and how to structure an essay. there have been a few in-class essay assignments which I try to do too, and sometimes get some feedback. both the Finnish teachers have been very kind and helpful. they will periodically come over and explain things to me in slow, simple Finnish to make sure I understand.
the Swedish classes are my favorite, though I feel like I shouldn't say so too loudly because everyone here seems to hate Swedish. but I think it is so much fun--it's similar to English, and my history of Old English and Icelandic forrays help a lot. also, I am taking it with kids who just started, so it is very basic and all the things we are learning (numbers, simple introductions) are things I can translate fairly easily into Finnish. a very satisfying feeling.
it's funny at school, because everyone knows who I am--it's a small town, and a small school. some people have been very shy, but not nearly as shy as the Finnish stereotype, I think. and everyone I have talked to has been so welcoming and warm. because I don't really have one grade or class that I'm following, I think it might take a little longer to get to know people, but I'm pretty much getting to know everyone in the school some way or another. next jakso I will stick with my grade and take everything that Tuuli is taking. I look forward to that, even though the way it's going now is a lot of fun and I think it is teaching me a lot.
well, that's all for now, folks.